お手伝いさんたちの家 | note architects - 清澄白河 門前仲町

お手伝いさんたちの家 housekeeper's house

℗Photography by Akira Nakamura








Renovation of a house where five housekeepers live.

The relationship between the housekeepers is weak. Although they spend the same time every day under the same roof, they are not strangers, but they are also not family. Because of this, in this house a small connection was created in which the presence of the other person is imagined even if the other person cannot be seen.

– site –
The site is in a residential area in the central Tokyo. It is in the middle of a complex uneven terrain called Suribachi, which is an intertwining of plateaus and valleys. In a city with Suribachi terrain, there is a quiet residential area at the top of the slope, and a lively shopping street down into the valley. The house stands on the border, where contrasting worlds of stillness and movement, light and darkness, sit side by side.
Their relationship as housekeepers overlapped with the parallel worldview created by the Suribachi terrain.

– Fusuma –
The sliding doors that separate the private rooms have small undulations running from the front to the back. The two lines that cross the four sliding doors intersect into one line just before entering the back. On the back side, one line crosses the sliding door again and splits into two lines before the front side. The regularity behind the Fusuma appears a little, which makes us imagine the world behind.
It’s a small connection that you don’t notice in everyday life, which makes you imagine what’s on the other side when the door is closed. By making the world of housing the same as the world of Suribachi, urban life and residential life became continuous.

– appearance –
Shell mounds were found around the site, with a deep historical background, and there are traces of human habitation since 10,000 B.C. Red iron oxide is the oldest pigment used by humans since the Paleolithic age, and can be seen in the cave paintings of Lascaux and Altamira. By wearing this ancient color, we created an appearance commensurate with the depth of the history of the land.
The contrast with the glass of brand new skyscrapers is striking.

– context –
When planning the house, we were required to “respect the surrounding environment” and “inherit the atmosphere of the existing house” while creating a living environment. In the surrounding area, development continues that is disconnected from the context of surrounding environment and time. We took into account the local and historical context surrounding the house and tried to carry it forward into the future.





type house
location Minato-ku Tokyo
completion 2023.10
construction 株式会社ルービス 高橋幸一
Japanese paper 株式会社森木ペーパー
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